Qalb talks

Another scene of Qalb
She didnt think it s a happines to meet u as u did,
She didnt take it personally,
Run everything as how it should be,
She thinks it s nice to meet u,
Someone who likes u sometimes and most of the time she doesnt :)
Dont worry,  sometime the feeling is so deep, while it is flat and plain in the other seconds.
Dont worry, she awares something happened and might beyond the expectation, but she pretty experienced to handle it
Yes, sometimes dont need any logic reason to approve its existancy.
Go thru,
She is trying to ignore anything related, and ofcourse.
Praying for not to see during the days. Bearing in mind that ground is more fabulous :D
And if she still meet, means God knows u can count on her in this scene. No betrayal.

Oke silahkan koreksi grammar :)


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