Lonely Survival : road to family gathering Jogja

Ba'da Dzhuhur di tempat training Bersama angin Bersama tetes air langit Bersama hujan Karpet hijau yang basah Sejuk nya.... :) Penghujung senja Today is the sixth day.. A lots adjustment, adaptasi lagi Slowly smoothly.... reshaping the pattern. Came late but earliest among those 6 days.. Woke up earlier cause sleep too early... Broght my lunch box, Decrease in tilawah intensity, Will be upgraded soon, today! Got a box of formula milk, 800gr, isnt it plenty ha? Went home ontime, And... Anyway today my first LDC, Hopefully, to be cobtinued on the next following days and get ready to take off on highway... :) Fii amaanillah, fight, fight, bismillaahi tawakkaltu